This office also provides career progression advice to all Quartermaster Soldiers. You’ll oversee incoming supplies and equipment, simplify and standardize maintenance data, and raise the quality and accuracy of performance, cost, and parts data through improved maintenance management. As such, this office takes the lead in defining developmental needs, refining requirements in the field, and providing assistance to improve all aspects of the Army's Personnel Management System. Automated Logistical Specialist (92A) Automated Logistical Specialist (92A) Intelligence and Combat Support Army MOS Information Enlisted Active Duty Army Reserve The right supplies, delivered at the right time, can ensure the safety of Army troops in the field. This office is responsible for the eight personnel life cycle management functions from acquisition to separation. A portion of career management includes disseminating information to you, the Soldier. To ensure the Quartermaster Corps transforms with the Army successfully, we need all Quartermasters working together, Soldiers, NCOs, Warrant Officers, Officers and Civilians across the total force.

The Enlisted Personnel Development Office is the office for all Quartermaster Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) and your Career Management Office. Quartermaster Soldiers can perform their individual MOS tasks and constantly be a role model.

Home - Command - OQMG - Enlisted Personnel Development- Qualifications for initial award of MOS 92A, Automated Logistical Specialist: PULHES: 222222 Physical Demands Rating: very heavy Required ASVAB Score: CL: 90 Enlistment Bonus: None Security Clearance: None U.S.